Cross Country
The Oakland Cubs is a youth running team. We compete in USATF and AAU meets. Our team consist of recreational and competitive runners of various ages.
The youth runners learn running technique, teamwork, sportsmanship, resiliency, among other life skills, all while having fun. All practices and competitions are age appropriate and based on years running.
All youth are welcomed to join. No child wanting to participate will be turned away.
All ages and abilities are welcomed to join. For those under 8, we offer a shorter class introducing the athletes to the sport of running.
- 8U Session
- Athletes NOT turning 9 in 2024
- Regular Session
- Mixed aged session for athletes 8 and older
The XC season starts the week of August 25th. The regular season goes until November 17th. The Championship Season runs through December 15th, culminating with the USATF National Junior Olympics.
Practices are held at Joaquin Miller Park unless specified in the schedule. 8U will practice at Lake Temescal on Tuesdays.
Meets occur throughout Northern California.
Junior Olympic Regionals occur at Woodward Park in Fresno and the 2024 National XC Junior Olympics will occur in Louisville, KY.
All athletes are required to attend at least two practices per week and the Cubs XC meet on September 22nd.
Regular Session practices are Wednesday and Fridays from 5:45-7:15p and Sundays from 10a-12p.
8U practices are Tuesday 4:45-5:30p at Lake Temescal in Oakland and Sundays from 9:15-10a.
This session is an introductory team for athletes that will not turn 9 until 2025. It will introduce the sport of running through drills, games, and shorter runs.
Session 1: 8/27-922
Session 2: 9/24-11/03
Regular Session
Mixed age group for runners ages 7 and above. Athletes will learn to run through trails and how to navigate an XC course. Practices are gear towards endurance and running technique and form. Runners participating in the Championship Season have the opportunity to try to qualify for Regionals and Junior Olympics.
Regular Season: 8/25-11/10
Championship Season: 11/11-12/15
Meets occur on Sundays throughout the season. There is typically a walk through at 9a and the first race begins at 10a. Races go in order of age starting with 8U; girls race first followed by the boys.
All athletes are required to wear the Cubs uniform an warm-ups at all meets. You can purchase this during registration or at any time during the season.
Extra Costs
All athletes are required to have a USATF membership. This can be purchased here on the USATF website.
In addition, there will be an extra fee for anyone participating in championship meets.
We are now taking scholarship request for the 2024 Cross Country Season. Click here to fill out the financial aid application. Scholarships will be awarded the first week in August.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many practices must I attend?
All athletes must attend two practices per week. This allows for speed and endurance to develop.
Do I have to run in meets?
The only required meet is the one put on by the Cubs. However, attending meets allows coaches to see improvement and provides actual racing times to help develop practices for each athlete.
Is volunteering required?
All families must volunteer 10 hours per season or they can pay the opt-out fee of $75.
My child has never participated in running, can they join the team?
Most athletes do not have any formal running training before joining the team. Athletes will be placed in groups based on age and ability.
Who can run in meets?
All athletes can run in the meets. The meets are a fun way to bond with the team and cheer one another on, and there will be all different levels and abilities in every race.
2024 Season
Cross Country is open to all levels and abilities. Athletes will run 2k-5k depending on age. Athletes will learn the aspects of running on trails and in XC meets.